Verse Week: In Bed With Books Reviews The Lightning Dreamer — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

Verse Week: In Bed With Books Reviews The Lightning Dreamer

Using poetry to tell the story of a poet is a terrific choice.  The poems alternate between character's voices and the verse feels like the rhythm of internal thoughts.  It lends immediacy and potency to the emotions felt by the narrators.  It's also a good way to bring many points of view to the story without the head hopping becoming too confusing. 

Allie at In Bed With Books posted a fabulous review of of Margarita Engle's The Lightning Dreamer, which is a ​verse novel about Gertudis Gomez de Avellanada, a Cuban feminist and abolitionist. I've not read this verse novel, but now I'm intrigued to check it out!

Visit Allie's blog for the entire review.

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