2013 Verse Novels: A Incomplete List — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
2013 Verse Novels: A Incomplete List

2013 Verse Novels: A Incomplete List

Back in January, I went to the ALA Midwinter conference and the one question I asked every single publisher was about what novels in verse they had coming out this year. Unfortunately, I received more blank stares than answers, so I've had to do quite a bit of sleuthing to determine what we have to look forward to this year in terms of verse novels. ​So often, publishers don't even include if a novel is in verse in the synopsis, so it's really luck of the draw to find them. 

Hence, this is an incomplete list of 2013 verse novels. If you know of any that I've omitted, please drop a note in the comments. (Click on the image to learn more about each.)

The Weight of Water
By Sarah Crossan
Sisters of Glass
By Stephanie Hemphill
Odette's Secrets
By Maryann Macdonald
​Freakboy By Kristin Elizabeth Clark

By Kristin Elizabeth Clark

Out of This Place
By Emma Cameron
By Ellen Hopkins

(No Cover Available)

By Gabrielle Prendergast

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