Storify: My Under the Radar YA Recommendations — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Storify: My Under the Radar YA Recommendations

Storify: My Under the Radar YA Recommendations

A couple nights ago Dahlia of The Daily Dahlia tweeted asking for recommendations for good "under the radar" young adult novels. Being one who cannot ever resist the opportunity to book push, I jumped in with some of my favorite recommendations (Racquel beat me to the punch with one, Burning by Elana Arnold). 

Be sure to visit Dahlia's post on her blog with a roundup of the the most commonly recommended books and also visit the hashtag on Twitter--you know, in case your to-read pile isn't enormous enough. 

Here are my picks in Storify form, including links to blog posts on CEFS (or an Amazon page for more information). Thanks to Dahlia for prompting this fantastic whirl of enthusiasm for lesser-known novels!

Looking at this list, I could easily double it now that I've given it some thought. Maybe I'll put together another post on the subject soon-ish?

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