Contemporary Young Adult fiction is a sub-genre near and dear to my heart.
I think it goes all the way back to my 13-year old self’s undying love for Judy Blume’s incredible novel, Tiger Eyes (Goodreads, Amazon). (Seriously, it is her absolute best, despite that it’s not nearly as widely read as Forever et al.) So, I watch Kirkus reviews, Goodreads lists and blog posts like a hawk for buzz about my favorite contemporary YA authors and new and new-to-me authors and then tap my fingers while waiting, waiting, waiting for these new releases. The following are five contemporary YAs that I’m eagerly anticipating.
In Honor by Jessi Kirby
Sarah Ockler raved about this book on Twitter, and since Sarah is amazing, I immediate put it on my “omigod I must read ASAP” list. Then, I discovered that one of the characters was inspired by Tim Riggins. After picking myself up off the floor, this rocketed into another level. (A note: I love Tim Riggins, but I will maintain forever and always that Coach Eric Taylor/Kyle Chandler is hotter than Tim Riggins/Taylor Kitsch. I dare you to try to change my mind.) In Honor takes place in the aftermath of the main character’s brother’s death in Iraq and the subsequent road trip (sa-woon—I looooove road trip novels) she takes with her brother’s best friend. It’s got to be awesome, right?
Simon & Schuster, May 2012
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Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour was one of my favorite books of 2010, so I cannot wait for Morgan’s second book. Like A&R, this novel deals with grief and family, but this one is set against the backdrop of a summer community where the main character rekindles her friendships with her old summer best friend and her first love. I loved the humor and deftly drawn sense of place in Morgan’s debut, so I have high hopes for Second Chance Summer. (I will, however, most definitely be griping about this cover when I review this one.)
Simon & Schuster, May 2012
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Something Like Normal by Trish Doller
This almost feels like cheating, because I actually was anticipating this one, and then I got to read an early copy of it. But, seriously, this is how awesome it is—I read a digital edition and immediately upon finishing it, preordered a hard copy for my collection. It’s that good. SLN is Trish Doller’s debut, and it is an incredible little novel about a 19-year old young man who’s come back home to Florida from Afghanistan following the death of his best friend, who was in his Army unit. It’s a heartbreaking novel about coming home and coming back from a very dark place. And, this one has huge crossover appeal for non-YA readers. (I’ll have a full review in mid-May.)
Bloomsbury, June 2012
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Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols
Jennifer Echols worst books are a thousand times better than many other popular contemporary YA writers’ best. One of my favorite things about her novels, aside from the obvious Swoon Factor, is that her character do stuff, and that’s never simply a backdrop to the story, but from drum majoring to snowboarding to waitressing, her main characters have lives beyond just their relationships. It looks like Such a Rush is no different—the main character is a girl who’s a daredevil pilot! And, I think all Echols fans will breathe a sigh of relief that she’s finally got a non-mortifying cover for one of her books!
MTV Books, July 2012
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Live Through This by Mindi Scott
Mindi’s 2010 release, Freefall, is a CEFS favorite and I cannot wait to read her sophomore novel about a teen girl whose life appears normal—but is far from it. I’m certain it will have Mindi’s unique touch, blending compelling characters with beautifully awkward teenage life. Laura and I got to touch an ARC of this one earlier this month and it took a lot of self-control to not grab it and run. And, like Freefall, it has a seriously gorgeous cover. (I may or may not have preordered both the ebook—for portability—and the hardover—for my “collection.)
Simon Pulse, October 2012
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