Photo Essay: Seattle Field Trip (Maggie Stiefvater at University Bookstore Edition)
On Friday, we all piled into the car for a day trip to Seattle for Maggie Stiefvater's event at University Bookstore.
Sure, Maggie was going to be in Portland the next day, but it was an appearance at Wordstock, and the organizers of that even couldn't be bothered to announce their schedule in a timely manner (and were not very friendly when asked for details about the schedule back in September), so we drove three hours instead.
It's all good, though, because a trip to Seattle always means fun things like Backstreet Boys singalongs and the chance to kidnap the lovely Mindi Scott for some adventures.
Since I don't write recaps as a matter of principle (said principle being that I try not to do things that bore me), I thought I'd share some snapshots from our day.
We had to leave way too early. So early that I forgot to take a photo of the lovely coffee Laura got us from her local coffee shop. But they do serve Ristretto, so whatevs...
(Hey, I'm not a morning person!)
Along the way, we discovered that Sandra had never, ever heard the song O.P.P. by the one and only Naughty by Nature. Obviously, we had to rectify this situation immediately, and Laura bought the single on iTunes.
Yes, Sandra was scandalized when we told her what "O.P.P." stood for.
I may or may not have angsted over what nail polish combination to go with for this day trip. I ultimately chose Essie After School Boy Blazer (navy), Essie Boxer Shorts (periwinkle) and an accent nail with a Jenna Hipp glitter.
Seattle is pretty. FYI.
We got to Seattle in record time! Except, in true Seattle fashion, once we hit the city limits, we succumbed to standstill traffic for no apparent reason.
Cue a Backstreet Boys singalong!
Whoohoo! We made it in enough time to ensure we got the nerd seats in the front row. (What? You don't stake out the front row seats at book events?)
The Raven Boys + The Dream Thieves - So pretty together!
The Scorpio Races, Lament + Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater at University Bookstore
Shoe watch - Laura's boots!
Shoe watch - Sarah's boots!
Maggie introduced the two new characters in book two, Kavinsky and The Grey Man.
Maggie had readers perform a scene from The Dream Thieves. The volunteers were so good, you'd think they were ringers--they did voices and everything.
Maggie Stiefvater signing!
Shiver/Linger/Forever at University Bookstore
The U Bookstore was promoting an event with Gayle Forman this weekend, so they had a few copies of Just One Year on display. Of course, Laura and I both had to buy copies before we left the bookstore.
(It's super-gross that the boy on this cover looks like John Mayer.)
And then Laura discovered that I have a deep love for Biggie.
Uh huh, uh huh...
The day only got better when we picked up Mindi and forced her to go to lunch with us!
(Isn't her new haircut fabulous?)
Nail cam!
Rosemary garlic fries + aioli = YUMMY!
Photoshoot time!!!

We listened to Justin Timberlake's 20/20 Experience as we waved good-bye to Seattle.
Which then lead into Cry Me a River. Which--inexplicably--Sandra had never heard before.
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