Photo Essay: Mindi Scott's Live Through This Launch Party — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Photo Essay: Mindi Scott's Live Through This Launch Party

Photo Essay: Mindi Scott's Live Through This Launch Party

On Saturday, Laura, Sandra, Linsey (who’s in our subversive book club and super-cool) and I headed up to Seattle for Mindi Scott’s launch party for her second novel, Live Through This, at Elliot Bay Books

If you haven’t read the book yet, you really should—it’s a unique, sensitive take on a very difficult subject and I cannot recommend it enough. Rather than writing a normal recap (which I’m terrible at anyway), I thought I’d share our little adventures in photos. We braved rain, half of the streets in Seattle being closed and detoured (what is with that city and its traffic?) and drunken football fans all in the name of books—uh, and acquiring a stash of Top Pot Doughnuts.  

Seattle Skyline - It’s getting dark so, so early here in the Pacific Northwest. (I forgot to take a photo of the bookstore, so this is my stand-in.)

Laura had a “significant” haul of Australian books thanks to a Fishpond order and the lovely Mandee from Vegan YA Nerds. We divided them up and this is my stack to read first.

And Laura’s stack… It’s amusing how often we end up dividing up books on the street, looking somewhat like we’re conducting some sort of illegal activity. Have I mentioned that we usually exchange books in a rumpled paper bag?

Piles of Live Through This

Obviously, we needed to fortify ourselves. Mmmmm… cheese.

Fun fact: Laura is deeply devoted to flip flops. This seems like confusing behavior for a girl from Western New York aka Buffalo.

I can’t take these people anywhere. ;)

Mindi reading a sweet scene from Live Through This—I loved the game Coley and Reese play with song lyrics throughout the story.Members of two Seattle-area bands played together as “Writer’s Block”—dressed in the appropriate writerly outfits comprised of pajamas and hoodies—sang songs that were mentioned in Live Through This. (Mindi’s husband is the drummer.)

Mindi wore some pretty fly black patent leather wedges. Mindi surprised everyone by singing the last song! She is so brave and adorable!The signing line! We sat up front, so I didn’t realize how packed it was until we got in line—and it was looooooong.Impromptu photo shoot! Linsey, Sandra and Laura.Impromptu photo shoot, part two! Laura, me, Sandra. I am actually the tallest of this group, so I’m baffled as to why I look shorter. Mindi signing my copy of Freefall, which is awesome and if you haven’t read it yet, you need to fix that ASAP.Getting Live Through This signed.

Laura, Mindi, me. We are all far cuter than this photo would indicate. Trust me. After all this excitement, we were kind of hungry.And thirsty…If you haven’t read Live Through This, you can read my review right here. Freefall is a very special book for both Laura and I, and you can read Laura’s review of that book here.

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