Links + Things: Algonquin's Young Reader Imprint, The Fringe Book and a Year of Verse Novels
This week, I have a bunch of interesting news, ranging from an intriguing new young adult and middle grade imprint and a free download of one of my favorite light-hearted romance novels.
Algonquin Young Readers, launching Fall 2013, is a new imprint of Algonquin Books dedicated to publishing works of the same literary merit and enduring qualities that are hallmarks of the Algonquin tradition.
Algonquin Books has released some interesting and well-performing fiction in the last few years (including the Water for Elephants), and this week they announced that they're launching an imprint focused on middle grade and young adult titles, Algonquin Young Readers. This is pretty intriguing, and it sounds like they're taking a literary approach to their acquisitions (they're posted on their Facebook page, linked above).
The one that piques my interest the most is Sara Farizan's If You Could Be Mine, which is about a lesbian teen in Iran, where being gay is punishable by death. (There's a preview up on Scribd.)
I'm excited to see where they go with this imprint, since I do think there's a market for more literary-minded books for young people.
In last week’s Fringe episode The Boy Must Live, viewers were introduced to September’s Notebook: The Bishop Paradox, a journal kept by the character Observer September. In the episode, Observer reveals to Walter Bishop that he’s been keeping a notebook full of all his observations. And then BAM, viewers are introduced to September’s Notebook.
According to a press release, Insight Editions teamed up with Warner Bros. and Fox to put out this work, integrating the book into the canon of the television program.
I really love the television show Fringe (though I'm catching up on the final season and am a bit... unsure... about it) for its creativity and innovative storytelling. I mean, how many times did they reset the entire story and it--amazingly--worked. I love the concept of a book that's part of a television show becoming an actual thing. So often we think of books and television as an either or proposition and I've maintained for ages that good storytelling is good storytelling, regardless of medium and news like this makes me feel like this opinion isn't so crazy.
Dear Bloggers, Verse Novelists, Writers and Friends.
I’m inviting you to participate in VerseDay 2013. I hope to make VerseDay a weekly event, every Thursday in 2013. Hosted by, VerseDay is a celebration of verse in all its forms, verse novels, poetry, hip hop, lyrics. Each week will invite visitors to check out another blog wherein a post and/or giveaway will highlight verse.
Our friend Gabrielle is hosting a very cool year-long blogging event celebrating verse novels. You know we love verse novels, and will be hosting novel in verse week again this year (information on getting involved to come). So if you love verse novels, sign up to host verse day one week (or more!) this year.
- A favorite fun read of mine, Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey, is free through February 14, 2013. You can download it as an ePub ebook directly from the publisher or via Amazon for the Kindle edition. You'll never see an ATV the same way again. (Maggie's hilarious post about the Kowalskis pretty much epitomizes why this series is so enjoyable.)
- Lots of awesome news from Trish Doller, including that her much-anticipated sophomore novel, Where the Stars Still Shine, will be released sooner than originally planned--on September 24, 2013. Her debut, Something Like Normal, was one of my favorite books last year--and the only book I read twice--is currently on sale for Kindle for the very nice price of $1.99 (unfortunately, it's not price-matched for Nook or Kobo). If you haven't read SLN yet, you need to fix that right away.
- I adore the new cover to the book formerly known as Once Was Lost. Every single thing about it, actually.
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