Links + Things: Semi-Short & Sweet Edition — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Links + Things: Semi-Short & Sweet Edition

Links + Things: Semi-Short & Sweet Edition

Just a semi-quick roundup of links this week, since I'm on a semi-vacation at home this week and next. So, just bulleted news, cover art and some good deals on books in this edition. We'll be back to our regular programming shortly.  

Links + Things - Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

Recommended Reading

Cover Art

Promise of Shadows by Justina Ireland
(March 2014, Simon & Schuster)

This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready
(April 2014, Simon Pulse)

Bitter Spirits by Jenn Bennett
(Jan. 2014, Berkley)

I have no idea what Promise of Shadows is about (I mean, I could look at the Goodreads description, but whatever), but I am all over the lovely typographic cover with the feather design. *sa-woon*  I've enjoyed everything I've read by Jeri Smith-Ready, and her first foray into contemporary/realistic fiction, This Side of Salvation, sounds wonderful. The cover is straight-up dreamy. Finally, we have the cover for the first book in Jenn Bennett's new series, Bitter Spirits--which is set in the 1920s; it's pretty over-the-top, but I'm preordering the hell out of that book, regardless, because I know it will be awesome.

Cheapo Books

The Witch of Blackbird Pond
By Elizabeth George Speare
By Melissa Marr
  • I can't imagine there are many people who haven't read The Witch of Blackbird Pond, but if you haven't the Kindle edition is only $2 right now.
  • Sandra read Grave Minder last year and quite liked this gothic tale. It's currently $1.99 on Kindle. (I quite like the new cover, incidentally.)
  • The only book I've read by Tammara Webber is Easy, which I thought was a well-done portrayal of college life, with a girl-positive message. Another book by Webber, Between the Lines, is currently priced at $1.99 on Kindle. (I'd love to know if you've read this one and what you thought!)

Other Discounts/Sales

Happy weekending, y'all! 

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