{Book Matchmaker} Tracey Seeks Romance, Dystopia & Urban Fantasy Featuring Strong Female Characters — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

{Book Matchmaker} Tracey Seeks Romance, Dystopia & Urban Fantasy Featuring Strong Female Characters

Tracey, our latest Book Matchmaker victim lucky participant, filled out our extremely sophisticated Book Matchmaker questionnaire in search of recommendations for some fresh reads with romance, but also with strong female characters.

You’d think this would be an easy one—but snooping on her Goodreads profile, Tracey had already read a lot of our go-to recommendations. But we came up with some good ones—or at least we hope so. 

Tracey’s Responses

YA or Adult: Surprise Me
Genres: Romance, Urban Fantasy
Multiple POV
Swoon Factor: 4
Gross Out Factor: 3
Smut Factor: 4
Fluff Factor: 4
Likes: “On the Island, loved the character development. And multi-POV. Hunger Games, Graceling, Wicked Lovely, Enders Game, Feed, Divergent! Strong women, romance—but great characters and strong writing are a must”
Dislikes: No quest books, no sagas that need maps and a glossary to keep track of everyone! Bad writing and bad character development. 

The Results

Thumped by Megan McCafferty

Bumped & Thumped by Megan McCafferty (YA)

I know. It’s shocking to think that the government would try to stick its nose in our ladyparts.

This satire by the author of the fabulous Jessica Darling series is recommended by Laura as a great read for someone looking for a something fresh in the cluttered dystopian shelves. 

{Buy at Amazon | Add on Goodreads}

XVI Series by Julia Karr

XVI Series by Julia Karr (YA)

I’m afraid to have a boyfriend. I don’t know how to do that and not lose who I want to be. And I’m afraid of what it means to be close to a guy, a guy I might really like. There it was: the truth.

I am a big fan of Julia Karr’s XVI series. There are a lot of challenging issues in this series related to media and sexuality that feel like they could be easily become a reality. 

{Buy at Amazon | Add it on Goodreads | Read the CEFS Review of Truth (XVI #2)}

Arcadia Bell Series by Jenn Bennett

Arcadia Bell Series by Jenn Bennett (Adult)

“Arcadia,” Lon’s voice said from my phone. “Who is this?” I teased. 
“You can’t take my son on a date.”
“I didn’t ask him. He asked me.”
“He stole my cell and called without permission.”
“Sounds like a personal problem to me.” A low growling noise came out of the phone.

What? You haven’t started the Arcadia Bell series yet? Get on that! This is a fan-freaking-tastic urban fantasy series with a fresh voice, good humor and a wonderful romance. 

{Buy at Amazon | Add on Goodreads | Read the CEFS Reviews}

Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander

Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander (Adult)

Ti closed his eyes at my foolishness. But as long as Jake was on the junk, or trying to be, I couldn’t quit working, cold turkey. If his immunity to drugs were to vanish, I knew my brother would go on the bender to end all benders and wind up in the morgue. So I was trapped.

I just read Cassie Alexander’s debut about a nurse in a paranormal ward at a county hospital and loved it’s fabulous mix of action, romance and paranormal creepiness that left me excited for the sequel, out this fall. 

{Buy at Amazon | Add on Goodreads | Read the CEFS Review}

Can't Buy Me Love by Molly O'Keefe

Can’t Buy Me Love by Molly O’Keefe (Adult)

Tara Jean Sweet was driven by a demon. A white-trash demon standing in twelve dollar stilettos.

Don’t let the cutesy man-chest romance novel cover deceive you. Can’t Buy Me Love is a very different sort of romance featuring a very challenging female lead, who’s tough as nails and quite prickly, and an aging hockey player who’s suffering a brain injury. Dear Author described Can’t Buy Me Love as “challenging the limits” of the romance genre and I very much agree. I’m reviewing and recommending this one soon.

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What would you recommend for someone looking for romance, dystopia or urban fantasy that features strong female characters? 

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