Meet Erica, our latest Book Matchmaker victim participant. Her favorite books are dystopians, but she also loves to read contemporary fiction, science fiction and fantasy. Erica took our Extremely Scientific Survey recently and these are her results.
YA or Adult: Surprise Me
Genres: Contemporary, Historical, Dystopia, Fantasy, Science Fiction
POV & Narrative Style: First Person, Third Person, Multiple POV
Swoon Factor: 3
Gross Out Factor: 5
Smut Factor: 4
Fluff Factor: 3
Favorite Books: Hunger Games, The Road, Oryx and Crake, The Giver
Hated Tropes: None, really
The Results!
[Note: We’re slimming down our recommendations to 3-5 from this point forward—come back for more once you’ve read these!]
On the Beach by Nevil Shute (Adult)
This was the first dystopian I (Sarah) ever read, way back when I was in high school. It was originally published in the 50s and is a classic of the genre, yet not widely-read these days. Set in Australia following a series of nuclear detonations, it follows several characters as they navigate a future that is extremely certain. There is lots of subtle drama in this gripping novel that feels extremely relevant 50 years after its original publication. I highly recommend the 1959 movie starring Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner as well (I haven’t seen the modern mini-series remake).
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Julia Karr’s XVI Series (YA)
This series has flown under the radar for far too long. It blends science fiction elements with commentary on media and gender roles. The first book, XVI, is quite good, but the sequel, Truth, is where the series really starts to shine with suspense and unexpected turns. The third installment in the trilogy is out next year.
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{Read the CEFS review of Truth}
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Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness (YA)
We recommended this one for Shelly as well, but it sounds like a perfect fit for Erica. This beautifully told with a story of love for family and romantic love a central theme. The characters are well developed, interesting and believable—plus political tricksters abound!
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The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi (Adult)
Written by the author of the much-heralded Ship Breaker (which is only $2.99 on Kindle right now!), The Windup Girl is a sophisticated novel filled with social commentary that’s not at all heavy-handed. The prose is quite stunning and the science fiction and dystopian elements blend perfectly.
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The Forest of Hands & Teeth Series by Carrie Ryan (YA)
This intriguing YA series spans several generations and is set in a creepy zombie apocalypse world. These aren’t Zombieland-style undead, instead they’re creepy Unconsecrated. This is a favorite series of Sandra’s, because it not only deals with survival, it tackles themes of religion, friendship and family.
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The Children of Men by P.D. James (Adult)
This is the rare novel I read after seeing the film adaptation (which is excellent), and it’s quite different from the movie so it’s completely worth the read even if you’re familiar with the plot. Children of Men has a very strong thriller aspect to it, and the suspense in this bleek futuristic world keeps you turning the pages as quickly as possible.
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