All in Podcast

Episode 7: New Adult Fiction - Industry Perspectives

I'm talking to three smart ladies with first-hand experience with the publishing side of New Adult: Suzie Townsend, agent with New Leaf Literary & Media; Cora Carmack, author; and Lisa Desrochers, author (scroll down for their complete bios). We discuss the breakneck pace of NA's emergence, the future for NA, common criticisms of the genre/category and recommendations for readers wanting to test the New Adult waters. 

Episode 5: Retellings, Fan Fiction + Inspirations, Oh My!

Laura and Sarah discuss retellings: the nuance in the spectrum of retellings, iconic/foundational texts, where fan fiction fits into all this and even the notion of character homages we see a lot in fiction, particularly YA. In this edition of the Clear Eyes, Full Shelves Podcast, we layout some of these big questions, and what we really hope will come of the episode is further discussion of the complexities of the notion of originality and works inspired by other works.