Tiger Eyes Movie Trailer! — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Tiger Eyes Movie Trailer!

Tiger Eyes Movie Trailer!

I'm interrupting our regularly-scheduled programming from Novel in Verse Week to freak the hell out that the Tiger Eyes movie now has a trailer!

As has been well-documented, I was obsessed with the Tiger Eyes book when I was a teenager and have never anticipated a movie as much as this one. I've built it up in my mind to a likely-unreasonable degree, but because Judy Blume and her son worked on this film together, I have had a suspicion it will meet those expectations. The trailer certainly looks promising.

I don't know about you, but it's getting a bit dusty in here... It's just so incredible seeing Wolf, Davey and all the rest "in real life."

Update: Publishers Weekly has the story of the making of the film. 

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