Need some good reads? The CEFS crew is back with our recommended reads from the last month. This is our way of making sure y'all know about good books, even if we haven't reviewed them or they're not out for awhile.
I went on a bit of a Liza Palmer binge and read three of her books on three consecutive weekends (weekend books are special, because I get long chunks of reading time) and loved all of them. Laura and I both read All Our Yesterdays (which I'll be reviewing next week) and absolutely loved it--it's a spectacular time travel story that is 100 deserving of all the early buzz. Sandra can't stop talking about how much she liked The Shadow of Blackbirds, so I'm going to bug her to review it.
We hope you can find something that floats your boat among this month's recommendations!
Sarah Recommends
Sandra Recommends
Laura Recommends
What did you read this month that you can't stop recommending?
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