Recommendation Roundup: April 2014 — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Recommendation Roundup: April 2014

Recommendation Roundup: April 2014

Clearly, I had a much better reading month than my CEFS compatriots, with a number of books I quite enjoyed.

By far, my most surprising read was Zac & Mia, which is one of those review copies that I downloaded on impulse because the folks at Harper Collins have me auto-approved for their books. Little did I know that it had won the Text Prize in Australia a couple of years ago, because that would've been my first clue that it was a good one. It's getting a lot of comparisons to The Fault in Our Stars, but I'm not sure that's an apt one, though the subject matter is similar. If I were to compare it stylistically to a "cancer book," I'd probably say it's more similar to The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder, but that's not that best comparison either. It's actually just unique, with a distinctive voice and style. 

Sarah Recommends

Never Been Kissed by Molly O'Keefe (July 2014)Amazon | Goodreads

Never Been Kissed by Molly O'Keefe (July 2014)
Amazon | Goodreads

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken (Darkest Minds #2, Audio)Amazon | Goodreads

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken (Darkest Minds #2, Audio)
Amazon | Goodreads

The Taking by Kimberly DertingAmazon | Goodreads

The Taking by Kimberly Derting
Amazon | Goodreads

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava DellairaAmazon | Goodreads

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira
Amazon | Goodreads

The Chapel Wars by Lindsey LeavittAmazon | Goodreads

The Chapel Wars by Lindsey Leavitt
Amazon | Goodreads

Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCallReview | Amazon | Goodreads 

Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Review | Amazon | Goodreads


Zac & Mia by A.J. Betts (Sept. 2014)Amazon | Goodreads 

Zac & Mia by A.J. Betts (Sept. 2014)
Amazon | Goodreads


Laura Recommends

Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir by Eddie HuangAmazon | Goodreads

Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir by Eddie Huang
Amazon | Goodreads

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (Audiobook)Amazon | Audiobook | Goodreads

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (Audiobook)
Amazon | Audiobook | Goodreads


Sandra Recommends

Lucky Day by Barry LygaReview | Amazon | Goodreads

Lucky Day by Barry Lyga
Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Frog Music by Emma DonoghueAmazon | Goodreads

Frog Music by Emma Donoghue
Amazon | Goodreads

Trickster: Native American TalesReview | Amazon | Goodreads

Trickster: Native American Tales
Review | Amazon | Goodreads

A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs WallerAmazon | Goodreads

A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller
Amazon | Goodreads

Cockroaches by Jo NesboAmazon | Goodreads

Cockroaches by Jo Nesbo
Amazon | Goodreads


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