Recommendation Roundup: January 2013 — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Recommendation Roundup: January 2013

Recommendation Roundup: January 2013

I've been planning on doing monthly roundups of recommended reads from the Clear Eyes, Full Shelves crew since the beginning, since we all read so many books that never make it onto the blog (including some cookbooks), but I never had an easy way to pull it together. However, with the upgrade to our software, it's now dead simple and I'm publicly committing to doing this each month.

The following are recommended reads for January 2013. Please note, not all have been released yet. Links to Goodreads, Amazon and a CEFS review, if available, can all be found by clicking on the cover image. (Rebeca aka Renegade's January recommendations will be combined with February.)

Sarah Recommends


Sandra Recommends


Laura Recommends

Did any of your recent reads rock your world? Let us know your recommendations in the comments.

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