Quick Housekeeping Notes
I’ve got a few announcements today. I’ve spent the last week or so doing some cleanup and maintenance on the blog, with a few changes you may notice.
Reading Lists
Due to the popularity of our List-O-Rama posts, I’ve started compiling some “best-of” type reading lists that you can find in the navigation bar. I have several more I’m going to put together, and I’m happy to consider your requests. My pet project is the “Sex Positive YA” list, which is way too small for my liking.
Review Policy
I continue to tweak the CEFS review policy, as we are getting more and more requests for reviews these days. I am considering requiring that requesters fill out a form in order for their request to be considered. I’d love to hear if any of you have had success with that type of requirement.
Book Matchmaker
Our backlog of requests is huge and as a result, we are not fulfilling each request in order. Rather, we are now picking and choosing BMM candidates that we have the best shot at helping find their next read. If you’ve filled out a request, don’t think we have forgotten you!
Comments Policy
I’ve always trusted CEFS commenters to behave respectfully, so I haven’t had a formal comments policy. However, a few recent incidents with both spam-ish comments and people who are unfamiliar with the culture of this site have led me to write a formal comments policy.
Basically, it asks that commenters be respectful and not use fake email addresses. I also spelled out that if anyone makes bigoted remarks or attacks another commenter, a CEFS writer or any other individual, their comments will be deleted and they will be banned. Coming from a world (sports) in which commenters treat one another and the content creators in a very unkind way, it is extremely important for me to maintain a friendly, respectful environment in which everyone feels comfortable. I feel even more strongly about this since I recently discovered that we have a large number or readers who are in the 12-18 age range.
Thanks so much, y’all!
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