Podcast #20: Diversifying the Shelves (Part 2) with Author Sarah Ockler & Blogger Racquel of The Book Barbies — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Podcast #20: Diversifying the Shelves (Part 2) with Author Sarah Ockler & Blogger Racquel of The Book Barbies

Podcast #20: Diversifying the Shelves (Part 2) with Author Sarah Ockler & Blogger Racquel of The Book Barbies

We're super-thrilled to publish the second half of our discussion with author Sarah Ockler and Racquel, blogger from The Book Barbies, about diversifying our bookshelves, how writers can work to authentically represent people of color in their fiction and recommendations for books and authors that do this successfully. You can find the first half over here. 

In this half, we get down to the nitty-gritty and recommend some novels that really, in our eyes, get it right, and why. It's important to emphasize that this is most definitely not a comprehensive conversation--if anything, it's framing questions and talking about our personal experiences. We hope to continue to explore this topic in future episodes. If you'd like to be involved in a future podcast discussion on this subject, get in touch and let's talk.

We invited Sarah Ockler on because she wrote this great post on her blog on this very subject some time ago, and then walked the walk in her next book, The Book of Broken Hearts (2013, Simon Pulse), which we discussed extensively in one of the first podcast episodes of season one.  Her next book, #scandal, is due out this summer and Laura and I have both already read and very much enjoyed it. Learn more about Sarah on her website and be sure to follow her on Twitter, too. 

Racquel, along with her co-blogger Sharon, runs one of our favorite blogs, The Book Barbies. She's still an actual teen, and is in her first year in college. Racquel is originally from Saudi Arabia and still spends her summers back home, and brought a unique perspective to our conversation. You can find the season one episode about fictional families in which she and Sharon joined us here.

As always, you can listen to the podcast by streaming on this page, downloading the MP3 below or by subscribing in iTunes. If you're an iTuner, we very much appreciate your rating and reviewing the podcast, as it helps us to show up in iTunes searches. We're also now on Stitcher Radio, so if you prefer that app, you can subscribe here. 

Diversifying the Shelves (Part 2)
Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

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We certainly appreciate all the support, tweets, shares and all-around enthusiasm we've received for the podcast! 


Books & Links Mentioned

To view the mentions from the first half of this podcast, click here. 

By Justine Larbalestier
Fake ID
By Lamar Giles
By Jon Skovron
By Malinda Lo
By Elana K. Arnold
There Will Come a Time
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Books we wanted to talk about, but we ran out of time.

Since You Asked...
By Maurene Goo
The Namesake: A Novel
By Jhumpa Lahiri

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