Links, Things + More Books for Cheap
- First of all, watch this important video of Justin Timberlake singing Friends in Low Places with Garth Brooks. I Love how they're both freaking out about singing with each other. And Garth's "outfit."
- If you're obsessed with Orphan Black like I am, you'll watch to check out this preview of the next season over on EW.
- I hope someone uses this NPR piece on "speed dating" in the 19th century as inspiration for an awesome historical romance novel.
- ComicsAlliance took a moment to celebrate Emanuala Lapucchino's Magic Mike-inspired Justice League of America cover. It's pretty incredible for a number of reasons.
Artwork by Emanuela Lupacchino
- I've mentioned many times that Wonk-o-Mance is one of my favorite blogs, and this piece by Amber Lin reflecting on language, word choice and nuance is good food for thought for both readers and writers.
- I really enjoyed the show Reign--despite it playing extremely fast and loose with history--up until they used rape as a plot device in a very problematic way this season. Persephone Magazine digs into this troubling progression on the show.
- I feel terrible that I lost the source to the person who tweeted this roundup of comics creators discussing writing people of color. It's a great piece.
- The New York Times has a fun and fascinating history of kissing in movies that's definitely worth reading.
- The AV Club's roundup of the best comics of the year includes some good stuff, including Ms. Marvel and Saga, both of which I'm obsessed.
- Congrats to Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books fame on the release of her Hanukkah novella, Lighting the Flames, which is an utterly charming story about two friends who fall in love. It's awesome that she wrote the story she wanted to read. It's free right now on all the usual platforms.
Cheapo Books
Click on the cover image for more information. As always, remember to check the prices before clicking "buy" and keep in mind that I look for a mix of digital and print formats, so double-check that you're buying the format you prefer.
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