Episode #31: Chatting Books & Libraries with Molly Wetta — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
Episode #31: Chatting Books & Libraries with Molly Wetta

Episode #31: Chatting Books & Libraries with Molly Wetta

Awesome librarian, Tumblr rockstar, YALSA's The Hub editor and all around awesome human being Molly Wetta was on our "hit list" of dream podcast guests and we're so, so, so thrilled she was finally about to join us for a chat!

This is a pretty freewheeling discussion, with topics ranging from what it's like to work with books professionally (buying books with someone else's money seems like a dream job, but it's also really hard!), library school, how to make book recommendations and some of the more interesting questions she's gotten on Find Your Next Book. It was a whole lot of fun!

You can find Molly around the internet at:

Chatting Books & Libraries with Molly Wetta
Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

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