End of Summer Book Discounts — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves
End of Summer Book Discounts

End of Summer Book Discounts

I've been lax on my Links & Things posts in August, but I have clipped a bunch of discounted books (of the e- variety) that I wanted to make sure to share before the end of the month, when most expire. In particular, there are a number of discounted Elmore Leonard books, all of which I recommend. If you haven't checked out the writing of this prolific author--who passed away this month--you're missing out. 

Click on the book cover/link to learn more and--as always--please double-check the pricing before clicking "buy," as prices change online constantly.

(I'm being lazy and only linking to the Amazon pages, because 1) it's built into my content management system and 2) BN was completely jerky to me when I asked them a question about a problem their affiliate program. But, many of these prices are good at BN as well.)

Elmore Leonard Novels - $2.99 (Kindle)

Hombre is the one Elmore Leonard novel I haven't read, and it's many people's favorite. 

Be Cool
By Elmore Leonard
By Elmore Leonard
Get Shorty (Chili Palmer)
By Elmore Leonard

Strange Chemistry - Various Prices

Strange Chemistry publishes unusual, genre-bending fiction. Many of their books are discounted this month and they're worth checking out if you're looking for something different. 

By Chuck Wendig
By A.E. Rought

Non-Fiction - Various Prices

I definitely recommend Chuck Klosterman, though I haven't enjoyed his more recent books as much--I suspect he's spending too much time with Bill Simmons, and thus the bro-y-ness is rubbing off on him.  I really liked Bringing Down the House--it's definitely a non-fiction work that reads like a novel.

Creepy Novels for Teens & Kids -  $1.99 on Kindle

Y'all, Doll Bones creeped me out so much that I couldn't finish it, so if you like things that'll freak you out, you'll probably going to want to snag that one.

Don't Turn Around
By Michelle Gagnon
By M. T. Anderson
Doll Bones
By Holly Black
A Monster Calls
By Patrick Ness

Contemporary YA - Various Prices

This includes an A.S. King novel for $2, guys. That is all. 

By Sophie Flack
Permanent Record
By Leslie Stella

YA Speculative Fiction/Fantasy - Various Prices

This is a hodge-podge of YA titles I thought would be of interest to y'all.  (Note: Crown of Embers is the second book in the Girl of Fire and Thorns series. The first is $8 right now.) I'm not sure if Outcast is discounted at $3.99 or if that's the regular price, but it's highly recommended by Nafiza, whose taste is extremely excellent.

Happy reading, and I apologize in advance for the damage to your wallets!

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