I was working on a Mother’s Day-themed “List-O-Rama” for today, featuring awesome moms in YA. And, it turns out, I got kind of stuck. Looking on my shelf, the selection of awesome YA book moms is pretty bad (only Hazel’s mom in The Fault in Our Stars jumped out at me—I loved her).
So, anyway… I got annoyed and started tooling around the internet and found this awesome little charm/pendant from Etsy seller Home Studio. In my memory, though, the quotation is,
She is too fond of books, and it has addled her brain.
Google is of no help, so I’m concerned I’ve remembered incorrectly, which would be a big disappointment, since “addled” is an awesome word. Regardless, it’s still a fabulously cute.
{And, I’m thinking it’s time to start looking for those books about awesome YA moms for next Mother’s Day!}
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