All in Movies

Gift Guide: Fantastic DVD Box Sets

As promised last week, I have another gift guide for you!

Maybe I'm old school, but I love DVDs (despite that I effectively burned up my last Roku player). I adore the bonus features and the swag and all that. Plus, some have some pretty rad packaging to boot. 

Furthermore, a gift of a DVD box set is perfect for your introvert family members and friends, who'd much rather hole up with their television than ski or whatever other nonsense normal people do in the winter. (Winter: I'm not a fan.)

Stream-It Saturday: Now Is Good

It's always interesting to find a surprise book-to-movie adaptation. Damn studios and their name-changing ways. I added British flick Now Is Good to my Netflix queue after watching How I Live Now, because I was looking for more YA-ish movies from the UK. I thought that film took some risks you would be unlikely to see in American films.

When I finally got around to streaming Now Is Good, the story and characters' names seemed immediately familiar. A quick Google told me that I wasn't nuts, that Now Is Good is an adaptation of a book I'd forgotten I'd read, Before I Die by Jenny Downham. (I didn't forget I'd read it because it wasn't good, because it was. Rather, it was a long time ago.)

Storify: Mockingjay Disappointment

Guys, I wasn't happy with Mockingjay, Part 1. As someone who's enjoyed both movies--especially Catching Fire--and the The Hunger Games books quite a lot, I have some gripes. 

So, as any reasonable person would do, I took to Twitter to air my grievances. It's Storyfied below.

(Note: Minor spoilers ahead.)

Stream-It Saturday: The Price of Gold (Documentary)

In my continuing selfless service to the world (ahem), I'm always looking for the next awesome thing to stream. And, of course, I must share my finds with you fabulous folks. Hence, Stream-It Saturday.

Check out all my previous recommendations over here. 

If you're old enough to remember the 90s, then you definitely remember the great Tonya Harding versus Nancy Kerrigan debacle. Living in the same county as Tonya and skating that the same rink as she practiced (which was right in the middle of the big mall in the area), this was THE STORY of the mid-1990s for me. 

Stream-It Saturday: You Can Count on Me (Movie)

In my continuing selfless service to the world (ahem), I'm always looking for the next awesome thing to stream. And, of course, I must share my finds with you fabulous folks. Hence, Stream-It Saturday. 

This week's choice is one of my favorite movies, You Can Count on Me, released in 2000, starring Mark Ruffalo (Terry) and Laura Linney (Sammy) as estranged siblings reunited due to Sammy being broke once again. 

I'm not usually a fan of sibling stories, since I don't have any brothers or sisters and I find those relationships rather weird (sorry!), but You Can Count on Me is beautiful in its messiness. 

Stream-It Saturday: Life on Four Strings (Documentary)

Welcome to another installment of Stream-It Saturday, in which I feed your streaming addiction. Find past recommendations over here.

Have I mentioned that I'm embroiled in a deep love affair with the ukulele? It is a known fact that ukulele is the happiest instrument and that it's impossible to not be happy when playing or listening to ukulele. This is the truth.

Also true is that Hawaiian musician Jake Shimabukuro is the best, most innovative ukulele artist. I recently watched a wonderful documentary about Jake and his music and life, Life on Four Strings. 

Stream-It Sunday: How I Live Now (Movie)

Have I mentioned that I am the unofficial Queen of Streaming?

We don't have cable or satellite television, so the majority of my television consumption is thanks to my beloved Roku box. (Note to self: Write a post about how we don't have cable & manage to watch a crap-ton of television.) I dig pretty deep into the streaming services for my screen time. 

For awhile now I've been meaning to start an irregular series with my recommendations for finds on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, and so on. I thought I'd kick off this series by featuring a movie I watch with week on Netflix, the film adaptation of Meg Roscoff's How I Live Now. 

Podcast #17: Battleship & The Art of "Terribletastic"

We thought we'd finish off the first year of our (award-nominated... omigod!) podcast with a fun discussion of one of our beloved, and often maligned, movies, Battleship. Now don't run screaming for the hills, this podcast isn't just about Battleship--it's about things that are on the surface "terrible," but are actually fantastic.

Terribletastic, if you will.

Other highlights include an exclusive, only on CEFS, discussion of the proper way to assemble a Slurpee/ICEE at the movies, a debate on whether or not Justin Timberlake can carry an action flick and why Prometheus is possibly the worst movie in history. 

As always, you can listen to the podcast by streaming on this page, downloading the MP3 below or by subscribing in iTunes. If you're an iTuner, we very much appreciate your rating and reviewing the podcast, as it helps us to show up in iTunes searches. We're also now on Stitcher Radio, so if you prefer that app, you can subscribe here. 

A final note: Our podcast was recently accepted into Audible's podcasters program, so if you'd like to help support the production costs of the podcast, you can do so by simply signing up for a free, no-obligation, trial of Audible using this link

Les Miserables, "Snark Cap" Edition

A few weeks ago, Sarah and I went to see the recent film adaptation of Les Miserables and came away less than impressed.

Apparently, we’re the only ones who feel that way because everyone else on twitter won’t stop talking about how the movie made them feel ALL THE FEELZ.

To top it all off, not only did it win three Golden Globes, it’s also inexplicably been nominated for eight Academy Awards. Has a non-silent movie with no spoken dialogue ever been nominated for that many before????

To alleviate how very miserable (hardy-har-har) the unwarranted hype of Les Miserables has made me, I have generously put together a snark-filled recap for anyone who has not yet seen the movie.

To ratchet up the amusement factor, I strongly suggest reading the provided “dialogue” with a sing-song voice.

Opening Chorus

The fact that this story takes place in France has no relevance! 
We all know this is a movie filmed during the 21st century financed by a British production companyyyyyyyyy! 

So we will all wear our British and Aussie accents proudly and not bother trying to sound like Frenchiiiiiiiiies! 

Mini Reviews: Movie Marathon Edition

I am intensely phobic of both shopping and crowds. Therefore, on the long American Thanksgiving weekend, I usually hide in my house avoiding both.

Now, I could spend this time catching up on my reading or—gasp!—blogging, but invariably, I watch movies. I miss a lot of flicks the first time around because if it’s not playing at the single screen theater within walking distance of my house, I probably can’t be bothered to go to the mall theater (remember the shopping phobia, above) to see a movie. Here’s a roundup of what I watched and what I thought. 

John Carter - Disney 2012

When ads for this movie first appeared on television, my mom called me and semi-hysterically asked me, 

“What the hell is Tim Riggins doing fighting dinosaurs while wearing a gladiator outfit?!”

After watching John Carter, I still can’t answer that question. But, I will say, the terribleness of this movie has nothing to do with Tim Riggins aka Taylor Kitsch and everything to do with the horrendous writing, poor editing and confusing plot. Furthermore, Tim isn’t even the worst actor in this movie—that title goes to McNulty from the Wire aka Dominic West who brings “mailing it in” to new, previously-unseen, heights. 

Strangely, I do not regret watching this hot mess of a movie. (Also, how awesome is the Spanish version of the movie poster?)

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